You didnt ask for policy ! Duh! But I know what you are trying to do here and at this point its ridiculous when your just going to say" but Obama" ,well Obama lies he will say he will cut taxes but you know he wont and he will eliminate the tax break Bush installed as soon as he is elected !
Sure I dont like McCains liberal ailments but he at least has hope and is surrounding himself with good conservatives and will at least look at both sides of the coin !
Obamas plan is scriipted ,read Marx's Communist Manifesto or Das Capital ,look at the ten planks of communism and look at the results of other countries taken over by these communists! Boy you want change look at South Africa and Soweto! Study these communist countries and see what horror awaits you if Obama is elected!
Read Solchenitzen who asks the American liberal in the quote "I was born into slavery , why do you choose to become a slave?"