thoughts on parasites and the spiritual connection
i'm wondering if certain parasitic infections are the basis for a belief in demonic posession, or maybe it's the other way around, you become vulnerable to certain kinds of
parasites if there are entities in your soul braid that are not working on behalf of pure light and love
approximately six years ago i was afraid i was dying of malignant melanoma that had metastasized to my lungs and liver, and i learned about an herb called bloodroot
when i read about the symptoms bloodroot has traditionally been used to treat, they were a near perfect match to mine, so i started taking it
native americans used to claim that bloodroot would save the lives of anyone who had given their life to christ
i was raised in the baptist church
i gave my life to christ and didn't feel any different
i redidicated my life few years later and still didn't feel any different
when i started taking bloodroot i got down on my knees and gave my life to Christ again
the recommended dose is two teaspoons in juice twice daily
they say you cannot over dose on it because it will make you throw up
i was told it would make me nauseus if my system was toxic
if not, i would feel no effect from taking it
a sixteenth of a teaspoon made me projectile vomit
i was told that i needed to slowly increase the dose until all my symptoms disappeared and then stay on it for another thirty days
when i first started taking it, i had dreams of demons dying and i would wake up feeling horribly guilty for killing them like i was a murderer
after a while the demons began to melt and the dreams were of melting monkey looking creatures
a couple of times i had visual hallucinations of little soldier looking guys with helmets on running around helter skelter bumping into each other
it has taken me years to slowly increase the dose, every time i do the dreams start up again
if i stay off the bloodroot for too long the toxins in my system build up and i have to lower the dose because i throw it up
i can now take five capsules of bloodroot without feeling sick
that is approximately a teaspoon and a half
night before last i dreamed there were big purple bumps all over my face and people were telling me that i shouldn't eat any more blueberries
last night i dreamed there were two small creatures living in me
i could feel one moving in my chest and another one moving in my head
tonight i will see if i can keep six capsules down and maybe that will get rid if them