""O'Connell chose Birmingham High School in Van Nuys for his announcement, noting that it was the focus of a Times series on dropouts in 2006. He said he was particularly concerned by data showing a dropout rate of 41.6% for black students and 30.3% for Latino students, compared with 15.2% for whites and 10.2% for Asians.""
Where did you get your figures on high school drop-out rates - the KKK?
Roky-I stopped believing what I wanted to believe a long time ago. The truth hurts. I used to want to be black. Thats how liberal I was. I never get my facts from the KKK. JUst because I believe in America for Americans doesnt make me a racist.
The quality of "Soul" that black people have and whites dont is something that I profoundly admire.
Sorry I dont believe your figures below but do believe the above from the LA times.
High School Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 1960–2005
Year White Black Hispanic
1960 — — —
1970 13.2% 27.9% —
1980 11.4 19.1 35.2%
1985 10.4 15.2 27.6
1990 9.0 13.2 32.4
1992 7.7 13.7 29.4
1993 7.9 13.6 27.5
1994 7.7 12.6 30.0
1995 8.6 12.1 30.0
1996 7.3 13.0 29.4
1997 7.6 13.4 25.3
1998 7.7 13.8 29.5
1999 7.3 12.6 28.6
2000 6.9 13.1 27.8
2001 7.3 10.9 27.0
2002 6.5 11.3 25.7
2003 6.3 10.9 23.5
2004 6.8 11.8 23.8
2005 6.0 10.4 22.4
Though I do not dispute racial IQ differences, it is not like we are talking about humans, chimpanzees and chihuhuas here. As you can see, all three races are improving - and the gap is even narrower when the students of different races come from the same socio-economic background (for example, students who have two parents and live in middle class neighborhood) and when English is not a second language for both the parents and the student.
Roky -I dont see white IQs increasing but rather they are decreasing.
In the case of blacks, you had a people who, due primarily to climate and geography, were more attuned to nature than to classic European culture to begin with, and then they were uprooted and enslaved and much of their culture taken away while they were treated as subhumans for generations.
Inspite of equal rights, you also have added generations of continued racial discrimination and hatred (just look at this forum in recent days!) as well as continued poverty and dependence on welfare due to the pandering of politicians to get their votes in exchange for subsistence living in crime-ridden, drug infested, single parent environments.
I think if you were to have taken any race and so robbed them of their culture and humanity for generations you would see much the same thing. One has only to look at the virtually animalistic lifestyle many of the Irish sunk to after conquests and disruption of their culture by Britain and the subsequent great potato famine to see how subjugation, loss of culture and poverty can effect a group of people.
The fact is that the IQ gap has been closing and the dropout rates decreasing. Despite the wail of racists and right wingers about black activists and communists, black studies that help restore their history and culture and encourage racial pride has no doubt played a significant role.
The answer to continue closing the gap is not more poverty and welfare, that is certain. But neither is condemning any race as inferior and resorting in effect to an American caste system.
Roky- You are just making excuses. IQ IS A CASTE SYSTEM. It has always been such. It simply is INVISIBLE. Excuses wont solve the problem of lower IQ which I believe is genetic.
There are two solutions to the problem. Breed smarter people or guarantee everyone a decent minimum wage,so that the difference in IQ doesnt result in more oppression due to economics. Of course controlling births is necessary to prevent overpopulation. But you are against a living minimum wage as socialism and against genetic breeding on some kind of religious ground. So you have no solution.
Of course the greatest oppression against minorities is the WAR on DRugs. Legalize all drugs. That eliminates gang society and the negative impact that has on eduction.
My solutions are real and would work. But who wants Genius black people? The NEW WORLD ORDER is not interested in anything other than people as slaves and prefers a large dumb class who are passive.
Besides, if IQ were the end all, should we white Americans just abdicate to the Asians, who test higher across the boards on IQ than we do? DQ
Roky-We have abdicated our manufacturing to Japan and China. White Americans are under attack from many directions. It is survival of the fittest, the smartest and those that breed the fastest and white americans are in serious decline.