17 y
By the way....?
What lunatic right wing website did you get that bit of insanity from? Please give us your insight on how Obama will cause....wait, what did you say?
"Yah this is the New Communitarianism another name for communism but you will hear a lot about it in the near future if the messiah is elected to office!
Thanks to the left and people like Obama it will be all Americans job and duty to spy inform and report any community ordinances violations which are of course set to a standard that is unattainable for most! If the Obama gang gets in office things like this will be the norm and local protest or support for such undesirable citizens will be punishable also!"'s called a Homeowners Association you stupid fool. I don't think Obama has a platform on Homeowners Association, but if you are aware of a platform, by all means enlighten us.
Oh man, now I see clearly the group of fools standing in front of McCain screaming. Is it me, or are the rightists on this forum this stupid, and can only cut and paste nonsense, or left to their own devices, make up the most non-sensical drivel imaginable?
Show us the proof, connect the dots, or stop babbling incoherently.