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Found a solution for Acne
woojungcorporation Views: 2,243
Published: 17 y

Found a solution for Acne

I got a message from a cool person from parasite forum and according to her Robert Beck blood purification works on Acne. I bought mine 10 years ago and paid $250 for it but wasnt using it and it was stored in my garage for a long time but I been using them for the last 3 days and all my acnes are gone!!!

you basically apply it on your face, it sort a hurt for first few seconds but it definately works

also been researching Zinc, and accoridng to my research, it works wonders for acne
so I bought a bottle yesterday and only paid $4.50 for it from vitamin world and took a dose of 50mg, and will see what happens. it saids when taking it helps with oily face so if I get less oily then I suppose it works



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