Avoiding Fluoride
Okay people,
Hope no one minds me posting this in this forum but it seemed appropriate. I have not yet started
Iodine supplementation, but I will be starting within the next couple of weeks or so (I really like to fully research all supplements before I start them). In the mean time I am wondering how to avoid fluoride. I live near Philadelphia and they have been fluoridating the water here for my entire life. I have already switched to non-fluoridated toothpaste and I use Brita water filter for all my drinking water (though I will probably be switching to something better soon). I also eat almost entirely organic food, but I still use regular tap water for cooking (when I need a large amount of water like for pasta, otherwise I use filtered), brushing my teeth, and washing my face, showering, etc.
What do all of you do to avoid fluoride (and chlorine and whatever else they are contaminating our water with)? Or do you feel that
Iodine supplementation counteracts the negative affects of fluoride?
Ideally, one day, I would like to get an industrial water filter that filters all of my house water, but right now I can't afford that. So maybe I should invest in a couple of high quality tap filters and a shower filter (still seems pretty expensive though with replacing filters and all). Your thoughts?