3% HP for teeth infection, also pre & post tooth extraction? Ozoneman and others please..
I have been told I have low grade infection in two of my upper premolars (bicuspids). How can I use store bought 3% HP (ingredients stated on the bottle “distilled water and HP”) to get rid of this infection?
I have started rinsing my mouth with HP after eating and before going to bed last couple of days and then rinsing the mouth with water. Is that okay? I notice that the perixoide becomes foamy/white in the mouth
This Wednesday I am going to have one of those premolar extracted. I am thinking of taking HP in a salinex spray bottle and spraying/rinsing my mouth prior to extraction.. I am also thinking asking the dental surgeon if he could spray my mouth with HP after the extraction… Is that a good idea?
Also after the extraction I am hoping to spray my mouth often to prevent any infection…
Do I dilute my 3% with 50% water or just use the 3% straight?
I am not very familiar with HP usage so any suggestions/guidance will be very much appreciated….