Hi scoobeldi, I left a message for you in your box because I was trying to find the Black Walnut tincture you mentioned on Ebay, I have just done the parasite tinctures for two weeks and my first coke flush last night but I didn't get anything out Pioneer and Doc have said that I need to up the dose of dewormer or quality and I remember you saying that the one you used was good quality. scoobeldi are you seeing improvement in your health you mentioned getting a lot of stones out
I feel better about the flushing because like you said I had been thinking about trying it again for a long time and until I found this site I just couldn't...I couldn't believe that I didn't throw up and that I actually slept all night. so I would like to thank Dr Sutter too and Pioneer and Jessesmom and Cr8iveart and all the other lovely supportive people here....THANK YOU.... Best Thoughts Moonie