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I've done 4 flushes, stones came out first time, other things after that
scoobeldi Views: 1,426
Published: 17 y

I've done 4 flushes, stones came out first time, other things after that

I must say that I've been enjoying liver flushing. I've been doing periodic parasite cleanses for the past two years, and lots of colon cleansing and improvements in my diet.

My first liver flush was two months ago. 400-500 stones must have come out. I was super excited. I've done three flushes since and have only seen maybe one or two more stones, total. Lots of other interesting things have come out that I am very glad to see out of my body!

I have a couple of questions for you knowledgeable folks. Is it likely that there are no more stones in my liver? Would it be beneficial to continue flushing?


In particular I would like to thank Dr. Sutter because reading this forum has finally given me motivation to do some liver flushing. I had known about it for years but never wanted to try it.


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