Re: I Wonder Who this Applies To?
McCain is the lesser of the two evils. Both candidates will be more of the same status quo.
My first choice was Ron Paul, but the liberal media seen to it that he was left out of the election process at every turn.
That should tell you that the big money backers of Obama didn't want to take a chance of Ron Paul winning. Obama wouldn't have had a chance against Paul, but they think that McCain because of his ties to President Bush will be easier to beat.
Ron Paul would have been a problem for the people behind the Federal Reserve, the FDA, and all the other agencies that do the bidding of the Big Pharma, Big Agra cartels, the front for the Big money.
One only has to read the liberal Obama posters on this board, and elswhere to see that the whole objective is to get a democrat in office without any care of the consequences of That being the reason for their vote.
Obama is dirty as hell. His birth certificate is forged, his associations are questionable, and he doesn't have any experience to be the commander in chief, but it doesn't matter as long as a democrat gets in office.
Go figure.