In case you haven't noticed both Palin and McCain have been thoroughly vetted.
McCain has a voted for 35 years in the senate-unlike his counterpart Hussein who was man enough to vote present 130 times.
Palin had her email account hacked but no big deal. Her political record stands out very clearly for all to see. Nothing to hide like Barry boy.
Personally I can't stand McCain. He got the win in the primaries because Republicans were stupid enough to allow independents to vote in the primaries.
We live in a fallen world. It's a polarity where nothing is perfect and there are no absolutes and many gray areas. We have a two party system and it sucks.
I have never voted 'for' any candidate. Always against the other. I am stuck in this planetary system but what can I do?
There is only One answer to it all. Unfortunately that is not on the ballot.