Re: pHluoride
this statement...
"Based on their radioactive tracer studies, they concluded "Fluorine does not impair the capacity of the gland to synthesize thyroid hormones when there is an abundance of
Iodide in the blood." Therefore, fluoride toxicity depends on
Iodide supply.""
is rather telling...
this diverts a bit, but the implications are the same... and important in light of the discussion.
the above is an interesting read on calcium and iron deficiency\sufficiency, and the implications in lead uptake\use. Sufficient calcium and iron reduces lead absorption and utilization the same as sufficient
Iodine seems to work in the presence of fluoride.
If you read the whole thing, you will find further references to vitamin D, zinc, selenium, etc. as it relates to lead. There are other sections... the following one on Mercury.
The point is, as with halide imbalance or displacement... the same thing occurs with other nutritional elements as well.
I would state though that balance is a poor term to use... as is equilibrium, as we are always in a state of flux dependent upon the contents of our next meal, drink, or breath, etc.
Listening to our bodies and finding a state of harmony where all parts play together in concert is most likely a better term than balance given daily, monthly, yearly cycles... during which nutritional and metabolic needs\change constantly occurs.