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Re: Tuberculosis test
  Views: 18,387
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Re: Tuberculosis test

I took the TB test. It was raised red and 5mm.

My Sputum Lab report (Report Status=Partial) results:
Test Status: Preliminary
Specimen Source: Sputum
Specimen Comments: Adequate
Smear: No Acid Fast Bacilli Seen

My front & side view X-Rays came back with the following:
-Heart in normal size
-Lung are free of active infiltrate or nodules
-Aorta is toruous
-diaphragm is unremarkable
-mild degenerative changes in the T-spine
-bony thorax is unremarkable
-no pleural fluid

Question: The Dr said why did I request the TB test. I dont have TB. I'm confused. I was reading something on the internet and it referenced I may have the TB infection, but not the disease? What does this mean?
1) Should I be concern about transferring the infection to others? Is there any concern with becoming infectious in the future?
2) Is there anyway to get rid of this TB infection? How long would it take to do if this is possible? What do I need to do?




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