Yeah, EC and thyroid dysfunction is definitely linked. Me and my fraternal twin sister also have EC and low thyroid. And I've met a few others with low thyroid and EC as well.
I've been taking thyroxin tablets since I was a child but I'm going to get off them and take the herbal/naturopathy route...much safer than prescriiption drugs. There's also a breathing yoga you can do called Pranayama which, if done regularly for about an hour (can be split 1/2hr morning and evening), will eliminate thyroid dysfunction completely within months but the yoga should be done continuously for life to prevent it from ever coming back. This form of Yoga is being done all over the world now. It's origins are obviously Indian and has been practiced there for thousands of years. Pranayama Yoga is healing everything from cancer to diabetes to paralysis and thyroid by sending vital energy to all areas of the body that need it. I guess you can say it balances the chakras which is required for ultimate health.
I'll try it for a few months and then maybe update everyone on how it's going.