Low Thyroid Function?
most have dandruff, dry skin, white tongue and a host of other health problems.
I'm considering these as a result of low thyroid function. I've seen alot of posts about thyroid in the past on this forum but i've never seriously addressed it.
These are all my health problems apart from EC;
sinus(runny nose)
dandruff/dry hair
dry skin
itchy skin
I was thinking it is low thyroid funtion? this is not referring to the lips, just body health in general. Most of these things are connected with the thyroid.
I know montreal tried thyroid support supplements but i think that was for his lips, i will try to improve my thyroid to get my health "normal".
I know
Iodine increases thyroid function, so thats a good place to start. Also vitamin A. The thing is i've stressed so hard about EC growing up, i know stress made my body go haywire.
I was also thinking about Vitamin A (retinoids) because i know it can cause EC, aka those who used Accutane. Well...
"The thyroid gland works with the liver to produce a vitamin A binding protein called transthyretin. This keeps vitamin A bound in the blood and only releases it to the body when needed. When there is no thyroid gland, the lack of transthyretin makes high doses of vitamin A potentially toxic because there is no control mechanism to hold the vitamin A in a biologically unavailable form."
If the thyroid gland was weak, then this would make Vit A more toxic... and from what i've read Vitamin A increases skincell turnover.
I want to be %1000 healthy for the first time in my life i can remember. I'm focusing on the thyroid as i continue to use the otex, which is doing what it's doing, keeping my lips normal.
But for me thyroid is the way forward...