M. Citrate in combo with E. Salts=Great flush (long post)
Just did my 7th flush last night after a slight g.b. attack the previous one. Not relishing the e.salts or the olive oil, I tried a combination which worked well for me so I thought I'd share it for those of us who are wimps when it comes to bad tastes.
At 6:00 p.m. I took 4
oz of Magnesium Citrate. (I had used it before during an attack so knew that this amount would work for me).The lemon lime kind is a bit tart, but not bad tasting. At 8:00 I took 1 1/2 T e. salts instead in case M.C. doesn't do as good a job of dialating, mixed in a cup of fresh grapefruit juice. (I was surprised to find this not too bad-better than apple juice, anyway). Not being able to face olive oil this time, at 10:00 p.m. I used 1/2 c. walnut oil (I had pictured it having a slightly nutty taste, but alas, it tasted like machine oil!) and mixed it with 1+ cup fresh grapefruit juice. It turned watery and I slurped it up with a straw before I had time to wimp out. Whether it was the oil or my general health, this time I didn't get nauseous. Went to bed. Did the 6:00 a.m. dose of e. salts, but used M. Citrate for 8:00 so I wouldn't get sick of either. This morning I passed 15-20 green stones of 1.5-2 cm, lots of smaller green ones (1/2 c. altogether) and a good 1/3 c. tannish, waxy "chaff"(Is that the stuff I've been reading about on the other posts?)This is the most and biggest stones I've passed to date. I never saved the tan stuff before though, not realizing it wasn't just olive oil and bile. Can someone tell me more about this?
One more item--to help deal with the burning (you all know what I mean), I found it helpful to wash immediately after each time with water, then apply aloe vera. Much less painful than last flush.
I know this is long, but hope it helps someone.