Do baths help with rehydration...bodily water content and flow?
I am thinking particularly about the crystal mineral salts bath as described here...
One, and three footbaths have done wonders for me. All anxiety disappeared...gone...nada. And the edema on the tops of my feet reduced dramatically. Both effects were completely unexpected.
My crystal mineral salts happened to have come from
Good stuff!
But, you know how everyone says to drink lots of water? Well, it has taken me at least a year and a half to get up to 3 or 4 12
oz. glasses per day. One year of that time I was drinking from a sweet water well. And I have upped my activity level considerably, taking on an outdoor job 3 or 4 or 5 times per week. (Love it!)
I am an 'older' person, which Owen mentions on his website as being a drawback to rehydration.
So, I was wondering if these good baths would be helpful overall.
Has anyone done baths as a therapy, perhaps to clean the lymph system, too? ...And to remineralize?
Minerals are so basic to well-being.
At the bottom of Daisy4's thread in the Salt forum, linked above, she makes the comment that it is all about 'vibration'. Do you agree?
Thanks for any help you may offer.
My best,