Re: How to make green gallstones
Sorry, Ronnie. I can get sort of 'testy' at times.
What you say is quite true. A personal decision has to be made at some point, and ultimately things tend
to remain a little vague in the end even when they seem
to be absolutely resolved. After all, for ages people thought the sun went around the earth, and it seemed quite obviously true to virtually everyone that this was the case.
If you are being helped, that certainly counts for a lot.
I'm trying the dye test today to see what comes of it.
I thought I'd also throw in 1/4 teaspoon of sesame seeds in my mix to see where they end up. If they are found inside the green blobs, that would look very bad indeed for the 'stone' idea, but if they are all outside the blobs, that would look fairly good. I'm hoping that between the dye and the seeds this issue can be resolved (for me at least) one way or another. And, of course, I'll report what I find.