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Re: day 26 - appendicitis ?
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 3,865
Published: 17 y
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Re: day 26 - appendicitis ?

Sounds to me like it could be ovarian, could be a "functional" cyst. I believe you're female? I have to admit I fell into the trap of thinking "dj" = male: I know, very backward thinking;like that old riddle that stumps so many people-where the answer is "the doctor was a woman"

They (functional cysts) come and go with the hormonal cycle, and are considered benign. I was "diagnosed" with one some years back.

And couldn't it also be the ileocecal valve? (this is right side--very low))which gives trouble when there's food moving through the system...and otherwise, (like when water fasting)would not be giving trouble, at a certain point. If it is that, an osteopath can show you a simple exercise to 'reset it'.

anyway ~~~~~

It think the issue that has some people concerned (or "freaking out") is that you have maintained it is "appendicitis" from the start. What gave you that impression? That means people have been also thinking it is, which has an effect, not only on them, but on you of making appendicitis more "real". Thoughts/mental images create
and things.

I for one wasn't "freaking out", because to me you don't sound out of touch with what your body can manage. At the same time, I am looking forward to hearing what it is.

~~~~I can see where Chris would be concerned, since he is so much a proponent of the Water Fast and its value--while at the same time it's SO important that people visiting this forum realize they need to be VERY well prepared; very well-versed: doing their own research; not taking anyone's word for how to do it since every case is unique--but doing a lot of reading of the fasting literature AND asking others about their experience. There will always be people that want to jump into things though--so, whatever we each do and how we handle our fasts affects others.

well, good luck with it all! That's a good long fast.

best to you




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