Re: they can listen to my phone calls all they want,zoe
Are you having conversations with terrorists Boatman??
You are so trusting to believe that abuses of the
Patriot Act do not abound. Even in Iraq, the bounties
paid by the United States allowed people to turn in
every enemy or betrayed friend or innocent walking
down the street the thugs figured would bring a pretty
price for the Americans who were gung-ho to fill up
Guantanamo with "terrorists". Funny thing, many, many,
were innocent and are still rotting there under
conditions which would be described as torture by most
of us if we were being water-boarded, sleep-deprived,
or worse, and without any legal recourse to defend their
right to freedom.
There are laws on the book now, in THIS country, the
land of the free, where if you disagree with the
administration on their handling of Iraq, you could
have all your assets taken, be tossed in jail without
legal recourse, and it is perfectly legal. This progrom
has not swung into full swing yet but when it does it
will be shocking to most of us. I suppose you saw where
recently journalists were arrested and jailed....
and this application of the Patriot Act~~
About the phone calls...well, if you are telling your
Grandma how your weekend went that is one thing. If
you are discussing business deals or sharing ideas which
are intellectual property which are then sucked up via
AT&T and the other companies hired to facilitate collecting
all the electronic communications via computer,
Cell Phone ,
phone, and whatever other ways they have to hedge their
grab for power, then it may be sobering to consider that
there is no way you have any privacy on nearly any level.
The moment a child in born now, their blood is taken and
the DNA is registered so down the line they can be the
targets of potential biases on many levels based on their
genetic make-up. Others have suggested that conspiracies
exist to create gender & race specific biological agents.
Imagine, if you have a certain gene make-up being
susceptible to certain viruses, etc. So, sure, clap your
hands and jump up and down that the government has your
back, and phone conversations and lists of every email
address in your email account(s), and that you feel
safer giving up your freedoms. I do not. I am no terrorist
by any stretch of the imagination either. Still, when the
time comes, all it will take is a neighbor or a friend
who claims YOU are a terrorist and voila...your rights
totally disappear, along with the life you know. It does
not even matter if you are innocent.
About the bank loans...major bucks were spent to convince
the average American that they would/could qualify for
loans. Heck, in my personal experience, I got a phone call
about 6 months ago when the banks were crying in their
coffee cups saying they were carrying bad debt and yet they
had people on the phones targeting the Hispanic community,
legal and illegal, to give them credit cards. Someone here
has a Mexican surname which is why we got the phone call.
So, go figure...there is plenty of corruption mixed in with
those sentiments that if we abdicate our freedoms we will
be protected by the powers that be. Yet, our borders are OPEN,
and illegals are given more protection than any of those of
us born here or who have immigrated legally. You are so naive
to think that there is not a connection and that there is not
a global agenda which supercedes all the protection we used
to find by supporting and upholding the American Constitution.
Our elections are stolen, heck, the Pentagon itself LOST a
couple of trillion bucks~~
Now, you are asking me to trust the Bushites to do the right
thing and to represent us to hold loans which bail out the
very entities which have gambled themselves to the hilt making
as many bad loans as possible, almost racing to make them
since the pervasive opinion was that in the last hour, the
Bush administration would make sure that they got their bail
out, AND to make it appear so dire that we would give them
our financial future without ANY strings attached...right....
Well, with the mentality such as you exhibit and the mainstream
media who wear the bend-over pants and who spout whatever trash
and lies the administration asks them to broadcast as news, there
is a good chance this financial coup will be pulled off without
so much as a collective sigh. Bush will lay the trap tonight at
9 Eastern Time.
Like you, I prefer to save for something I want instead of going
into debt to have it. Still, I think you are looking at this
financial tsunami as something that was borne on the backs of
those who merely did not have it in the first place. Much of it
is on paper, and done by multi-national power-brokers bundling
and re-selling debt. No one can even provide any oversight into
who owes who and how much. Many of the mortgages already in hand
are such a mess that no one can determine who owns the bad debt.
You want to blame the average working American. I want to blame
Bush and his administration AND those who continue to enable him
in his final days in office. Its fraud, its treasonous, and its
best wishes,