What if the real terrorists are the ones listening?
The worst terrorist threat we have to worry about is the one from the people who use the term "terrorist" to cover false flag operations against our own citizens and allies and justify the continued unconstitutional government power grab and take-away of our God given unlienable rights and freedoms.
"Terrorist" is an even better threat than "weapons of mass destruction" when it comes to hoodwinking the sheeple. Almost impossible to find, but you never really have to prove they exist so long as you keep trotting out the fearful allegations and perhaps create a few incidents along the way for good measure.
If we let them, we will ultimately become a police state with our freedom of expression, assembly and travel tightly restricted and monitored by a sea of surveillance cameras and security forces. If you don't believe me, just look up at the cameras.
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" - Benjamin Franklin