Pesticides never help with any disease. They eventually all end up in our system, whether its on our food or in our drinking water. My reasoning behind PD being most prevalent in rural areas is because health care isn't as accessible in these areas. I think that this is a huge problem. It's like AIDS in Zimbabwe. People most affected live in rural areas and health care is unaccessible in rural areas. This could be solved if the government would admit that their country has a problem and let in foreign aid. I think Canada's health care system is ideal because if you are an inuit or an eskimo and live on the outskirts of big city's like Edmonton or Ontario, they fly a plane out to give you medical attention. But anyway, I don't know if pesticdes would cause this onset of symptoms because PD has been around for a long time, even before the start of heavy pesticide use. But it can't help our body!