16 y
Status: R [Message
recommended by a moderator!]
Fire fire fire!
Hold on Vulc, you're recommending goitrogens/brassicas?
So? Why would people on this forum who are supplementing with
Iodine have a problem with this?
Is there a timing issue involved? Will any amount of goitrogens block all
Iodine absorption?
My understanding is that societies that consumme too many goitrogenic vegetables make themselves vulnerable to thyroid disease.
Well of course, assuming a lack of
Iodine in the diet as well.
First of all, a lack of iodine isn't a "disease", no matter what the medical profession believes.
(I really doubt there can be any "thyroid disease" with a sufficiency of iodine and of course other "trace" material)
I was reading last week where one state had 30% of it's recruits for WWI rejected due to "thyroid disease".
Not too much iodine in that state.
So if they ate lots more broccoli that number would go to 50% rejected?
Less broccoli it goes to 10% rejected?
Take iodine supps and it goes to zero?
I should think so.
Removing something from your diet to reduce a deficiency is most likely not the way to go.
As you may be needing what you've removed.
Because they say you really need those dark green things.