edgar cayce on parkinsons
check this out and particularly the research done by yhe doctors at the meridian institute
Be sure that you have read carefully the cayce philosophy page as missing any one of the principles there could cost you in some form – we know we have done it.
Parkinson’s is a form of paralysis characterized by muscular rigidity and involuntary uncontrollable trembling. It is a condition with a slow progression.
Causes as sited by
Edgar Cayce
Thirty-four men and women consulted cayce about the malady. Symptoms included partial or total paralysis, general debilitation, sensory distortion and virtually constant uncontrollable shaking.Cayce gave a total of 47 readings on the malady, 13 of which were caused by incoordination and deterioration of the nervous system
According to cayce, Parkinson’s has a variety of causes, he gave quite a few readings on the subject over a quite a wide age range and all with varying degrees of the disease.
1.Toxic forces which were caused from the bodies elimination and assimilation systems being clogged, in other words the body was not making the best of the nutrients it was taking in and it was not getting rid of the vast debris of useless matter it was supposed to.
2.Glandular problems from the taking in of mercury which was creating severe problems for the spleen, liver and the adrenals. Which in turn was affecting other parts of the body most severely.
3.For a lady of 59 yrs suffering for 2yrs it was incoordination between the impulses and the activity of the locomotory centres in the nervous system. The main problem was the lack of the ability to be revivified from using the nutrients which the body had taken in. In other words the body was not using the food and water it had taken in properly.
4.Glandular problems, some of the glands were underactive, overactive and some not acting at all. Which again was causing the body severe problems with other systems of the body.
5.Sublaxations in the cerebrospinal system.
6.Poor circulation and cellular forces not co-ordinating properly thus not cleansing the blood supply.
7.The blood supply was supercharged with poisons
8.A general lack of nutrition not being eaten and activity of the glands.
9.Genitive system and disturbances which apparently wrecked the co-ordination between the nervous system and the ability to control the same.
10.Injections and other applications which someone had when younger, which carried a large portion of mercury.
11.Blood cellular forces which were seeping through the arterial walls.
12.Lack of the ability to store vital energies which were essential for the body to control the involuntary movements of the body.
13.General debilitation through the glandular forces thus attacking a lobe of the liver which prevents the proper assimilation of foods.
14.Prenatal disposition
16.Incoordination between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal system.
17.Karma – the meeting of self’s previous actions from this lifetime or from other lives.
18Attitudes and emotions were sited as a causative factor; some of the people were advised that their negative attitude had helped create the condition
1. Dietary changes recommended by Cayce for treatment of Parkinson's disease,
Cayce generally suggested a low-fat, high fresh vegetable, no fried food diet. For Parkinson's disease and other conditions requiring nerve rebuilding, the raw vegetables carrots, lettuce,
Celery and watercress were particularly recommended. As was leafy green vegetables, whole wheat and other whole grains and plenty of seafood. Foods high in calcium was a common suggestion, and "beef juice" was occasionally given to help for general debility.
2.Spinal adjustments by a chiropractor or other qualified person; An assessment should be undertaken of the spine to ensure that there were no misalignments which could be impinging in any way with the proper functioning of the nerve pathways and other related systems.
3.Application of the atomic effect of gold into the body using the cayce invention called the wet cell appliance, the gold is not given orally but given as a vibration using electrical wires, this cayce electrical invention was mentioned in hundreds of cases and was used with great success.
The wet cell battery was suggested in 64% of the cases. The wet cell is essentially a battery consisting of metal poles in a solution of distilled water, copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, zinc, and willow charcoal. This set-up produces a very weak DC voltage (about 26 millivolts). In most cases, the weak current was passed through a "solution jar" into which another compound was placed. With Parkinson's, as with most chronic conditions involving the nervous system, this was usually gold chloride (to be used in 90% of the cases). Also suggested were camphor and silver (each 41%), atomidine (9%), and witchhazel (4%). The nickel electrode was usually placed over the "umbilical and lacteal duct plexus" (on the right side of the body, a couple
inches to the right and above the umbilicus), and the copper electrode was placed over one of four centers along the spine. With gold in the solution jar, the copper electrode was usually placed over the 9th dorsal vertebra. With camphor or silver, this electrode was most commonly placed over the 2nd/3rd dorsal center. McMillin and Richards (1994) give details on the wet cell and its use with these solutions.
The wet cell appliance can be made or bought, those wishing to make one of these devices would be well advised to consult the book The radial appliance and the wet cell battery by Doug Richards and David Mcmillin of the meridian institute, this book or the machine itself can be purchased from john walsh at the
Edgar Cayce centre England or from the Heritage store at Virginia beach or from the A.R.E.headqarters Virginia beach. Typical treatment time for the wet cell was from 20-40 mins daily using gold chloride every other day and on the alternate day’s solutions of Atomidine, spirits of camphor and silver nitrate.
4.Other forms of electrotherapy were also used – the radioactive appliance also called the impedance device or the radial appliance, Cayce insisted the radial appliance produces no electrical energy of its own. He said it acts more like a magnet in that it draws energy from one part of the body and redistributes it to other parts. The appliance uses the body’s own energy physically, mentally and spiritually.
Thousands of Doctors, osteopaths, clinicians, chiropractors, and alternative therapy people are using Cayce’s radial appliance and literally thousands of people have had some remarkable results using the appliance.
Cayce said, “It would be good for everybody”. Most of the time the appliance was used in combination with various other practises such as massage or meditation etc.
The ultraviolet light was also recommended
The violet ray was also recommended .All of these appliances could be obtained from the
Edgar Cayce centre at Durham England, the ARE in Virginia Beach and Bruce barr products.
5.Massage immediately after the electrotherapy treatment with emphasis placed on a through massage of the spine, back, shoulders and limbs using a wide variety of oils most frequently used were peanut oil and olive oil, olive oil and myrrh or preparations using mineral oil, cedarwood oil sassafras oil and witch hazel.
6.Hydrotherapy treatments including fume and steam baths, hot and cold showers and occasional
colonics given by a qualified therapist. These were to promote circulation and promote good eliminations.
7.Other recommendations included doses of atomidine, Kaldak, calcidin.
8.Prayer and meditation would be well to be a part of the treatment as this would help the person to understand and come to terms with the significance of the affliction.
9. Where possible the patient is to do everything they can to help others in whatever capacity they can. Cayce frequently mentioned that this will bring faster resultsThis is a great ingredient in helping all people to transmute karma. See other pages on this particularly important treatment.
10.Finally although not mentioned by cayce spiritual healing has the capacity to treat this disease and or bring great change to the person.
The original files on Parkinson’s. can be obtained through the A.R.E.at www.are-cayce.com
More specific details of the wet cell, oils, diet and massage can be obtained through the A.R.E. or one of the many thousands of Edgar cayce web sites.
There are two must have books Reba Ann karps book encyclopedia of healing ISBN 0446 30981-8 which gives lots of treatments on all manor of diseases.
And the Edgar cayce handbook for health by Harold reilly and Ruth hagy brod
Isdn0-02601960-4 Obtained from the cayce centre
Actual readings and details of the wet cell appliance can be obtained through the A.R.E.or the Edgar Cayce centre up in Durham 13 prospect terrace, new stanley,
CO Durham, England DH9 7TR 01207 237696 E mail cayce.walsh.@virgin.net ask for one of the circulating files on Parkinson’s
The meridian institute, www.meridian institute.com/ run by a team of doctors undertook a research project to explore the cayce protocol, details can be obtained from their web site but after just four months all people doing the protocol had improved.
Ten participants took part in a research project to explore the effectiveness of the Edgar Cayce treatment recommendations for Parkinson's disease. They spent 10 days in a live-in treatment and training program in November 1996 then went home to continue the treatment protocol. Of the original ten, nine returned four months later in March 1997, for a follow-up weekend to assess progress.
The treatment protocol included daily use of the wet cell electrical appliance with gold and silver, massage, diet, and work with ideals, attitudes and emotions, meditation, and breathwork.
Here are some example of comments and observations. More complete case studies of the individuals are also available.
J. R.: "This experience I feel has enabled a turning point in my relationship with Parkinson's disease for which I am deeply appreciative...I find I am slowly yet persistently regaining function from this 'incurable' disease. I watch amazed as strength, vitality and coordination gradually return to my body. Little tasks to anyone else like chop a head of broccoli, untie a twisted tie, write a legible note (which I'm showing off with my newly returned ability to write!) and most of all the coordination to return to driving a car after a hiatus of 9 months, are such a delight."
J. I.: "I found through this whole thing a spiritual awakening. I thought I was spiritual before, but I just feel closer to God, that he's listening. Parkinson's was a major fear, that Parkinson's was getting the best of me. But now it's no big deal any more. I know that with God there I'm going to get through it, however I get through it. I look forward to the wet cell when I get home from work. It's a comfort to hook myself up and use it as meditation.
"They bake chocolate chip cookies in the school. For a long time I didn't know why everybody was raving about them. Then about 2 or 3 weeks ago I smelled them. I said, what's that smell? And they said that's the cookies. Oh my God, I can smell! It was very tough to not eat them. That was a big breakthrough. I didn't know I had lost that much of the sense of smell until it's back. It was wonderful. That's a miracle for me."
G. G.: "This program...has, along with true guidance from the Holy Spirit, worked a miracle in my recovery. I am much healthier since my participation began and although I have made great strides in my recovery, there is still much to accomplish. Now I have a clear pathway to follow."
"My smell is working better, too. It's a real impressive thing to me."
J. S.: "Those of us who are involved in the project believe we have benefited from the experience and have made an improvement in terms of greater energy, stronger sensory perception, and less dependence on drugs. I feel an improvement in my own quality of life, and am hopeful that a long-term continuation of the program will bring even greater benefit."
J. P.: "I do see some change physically, but the demon is still there. I feel more of an attitude change, more optimistic. It took several years to get to this condition, and I feel it will take some time to reverse it."
L. R.: Speaking of miracles, when you discover that you can smell something again, there are miracles of sight as well. I can now put on a navy blue pair of trousers and a navy blue pair of socks, instead of wearing black socks with blue and blue socks with black. I can do it in inside light in a house, and I didn't realize how long ago that ability had gone away."
L. Y: "Through the program, I have made connections with some of the most beautiful I know - people with strength of spirit, patience and dignity."
M. R.: "Unlike several others in our group, I do not yet see clear improvements like easier walking or speech, or more strength for walking or using one's hands. However, a new kind of heat has begun to rise through my spine. I suspect this development is a part of the great mystery called healing."
This concludes the pages on Parkinson’s
Full details of this treatment can be found at the meridian web site WWW.meridianinstitute.com/ further information can also be found at the association of research and enlightenment called the A.R.E. WWW.are-cayce.com/ and at the edgar cayce centre which is located in Durham
The Edgar Cayce centre in the UK IS THE EDGAR CAYCE CENTRE: DURHAM
ENGLAND DH 97TR TEL 01207 237696