Tenth day of Paragone-liver fluke die-off? Tapeworm?
Hi Everyone,
Greetings to you all...your postings here are encouraging and inspiring.
I'm on day ten of Paragone and noticing a big improvement, especially a clearer head. It's wonderful to NOT have that low-grade headache banging away after two years! I assume the change is having less toxins in my system from having killed off some of the parasites. Some relief at last!
It's been a fast and steep learning curve; from suffering unknowingly, to the medical run-around, to searching out drugs (some really scary) on the net, to learning about the wide world of parasites, and finally, to finding alternatives to the shockingly ignorant mainstream.
How fortunate I am, to have found this venue and the knowledge and experience here.
I've had some interesting sensations over the past few days; what feels like 'thrashing' in my left abdomen (which I've felt on and off for the last two years), but for the first time ever I've also felt 'thrashing' in my RIGHT side twice, just after I took the Paragone dose. (I think it might be from things, flukes maybe?, dying off in my liver?) Well I hope so anyway. Some of you must know, are sensations like these common?
This 'movement' in my right side was a lot more unpleasant than anything I've ever felt before. I'm still getting 'moving' sensations on the left, too, but more sluggish than it used to be.
My lab report that said I had blastocyst H. From the "thrashing" and what darn well feels like 'biting' or 'chewing' in there, I think I've been a meal ticket for something much larger, likely a tapeworm. Will I be able to kill it off eventually with herbal stuff?