"Those who whine the most about this are those who gave us this problem !"
If you were trying to sell bad apples would you complain about people who sell bad apples to sell your apples or would you try to show how much better your apples are than theirs? Complaining is not a sales stratagy. That only makes people more aware of the problem and makes them weiry of apple salesmen. You don't see the Rothchilds, the Morgans, the Bilderbergs or your leader the Bushes complaining about all this stuff do you? No. They're happy as hell with their plan. They hide the fact they're selling a big bad apple to the world. Your logic is flawed as usual.
"The liberal collectivist and their New Deal!"
Well you're half right on that one. The democrats AND the republicans are involved. But it's funny how one of your own leaders Crusty Bush is the one talking about it to the whole world.
See, like I said when you're selling bad apples, you try and show how you're apples are better than the rest. You don't condemn others as a sales stratagy.
"The something for nothing scam crowd from big brother."
Blind again my friend. Who's the one selling the 700 billion dollar plan to save the country now? You guessed it. Bush again! Notice he's trying to sell the public on his plan of saving the economy and it being something good? He's not condemning others for this big fat bad apple he made in the first place. And talk about something for nothing. Bush's plan is nothing for something and what's left of his base will gobble it up like candy not realizing they're being fatten up for the slaughter.
It's clear you don't understand anything about economics. Maybe you can understand this. Does producing more oil make the price for a barrel of oil go up or down? Down. So will printing more money make the value of the dollar go up or down? Down. In case you haven't noticed, it's only worth about 2 cents now so what will this bail out do? And no one is claiming this bail out will work, not even the guy in chagre of it, because deep inside they know it won't. It's only one of the last nails in the coffin for this country. Now you can say I am one of the people respoisible for this problem because I "whine" about it, but that only shows your ignorance. Because a maintenace guy is not responsible for the economy. I'm only making people aware of the problem and people are becoming aware and doing something about it. You can choose to ignore the warning and blinding call it whining. Your choice. I've done my job.
The people who are "whining" about the collapse that's coming are the people who can see through the smoke and mirrors and lies of this government. They aren't the people responsible for it. And people like you will be celebrating in the streets like Sodom and Gamorra before the city was destroyed because they refused to see the truth. And people like you are the one's who will be caught unprepared. So keep the song and dance up. You're aware and choose to do nothing and want to go blindly off to the slaughter house. Just like they want you to do.
If it was me and I wondered the slightest bit about this, I would do the responsible thing and try to protect those I'm responsible for protecting. So good luck. You're going to need lots of it!