Our current financial crises and the ills of the world in general cannot all be laid at the feet of leftwing liberals, no matter how myopic some people's views are or how much the neos would like to con us into believing. What is happening is a result of spending beyond your means like there is no tomorrow - and it appears that tomorrow has finally arrived.
Welfare and entitlement programs we cannot afford have played a big role, no doubt but there is plenty of blame to go around, liberal, conservative, republican or democrat. Just look at the the failed junk mortgages as an example or the way we have been forced to live way beyond our means by recent wars of mass deception.
The biggest budget deficits in history occured during the adminstrations of Reagan, Bush and Bush. Not exactly card carrying liberals. Or democrats.
Speaking of the b-grade actor the right wingers hired to play President, how could anyone forget his voo-doo economics that promised the impossible: "lower taxes, increased military spending and balanced budget"? As Bush Senior tried to warn before he sold his soul and values to the devil to become VP, you can do two but you can't do all three. As a result, in the course of a mere 8 years, the United States went from being the largest creditor nation on earth to the largest debtor nation.
And we have been mortgaging our future and our country ever since.
Well, there was one administration that cut welfare in half and actually produced budget surpluses, but I don't suppose you want to mention that.
Taxes and deficit spending enslave all of us. By bailing out and socializing much of wall street and our entire financial system we have added several thousand dollars of debt to every man, woman and child in the United States. When you add the bailout to the 10 trillion dollar plus national debt and the result is that every man, woman and child now owes over 40,000 plus interest as their share.