I'm interested in whether salt is helpful or harmful for one's body. I've read a lot of articles by the Natural Hygiene (the folks who say salt is poison), and they definitely know what they're talking about.
Their main claim is NOT that mineral salts are harmful but that they can't be utilized when in inorganic form. Hence all minerals should come from plants (and animals for those who are not vegan). Otherwise you could dig a hole in the ground and eat the soil in order to obtain minerals. Moreover concentrated sodiumchloride is very poisonous to the body, and natural salts are 97% sodiumchloride.
I'm not exactly sure about this. On the other hand I believe that Dr. Batmanghelidj has done such enourmous research and is so experienced that I cannot believe he makes such a simple mistake.
Can you (or anyone else) tell me what you think about the "organic/anorganic"-thing?