pH of the colon, cancer and AIDS
The Colon and the critical pH factor. Why an acidic colon is of immeasurable value to persons immune compromised
The pH Factor: pH represents the “hydrogen potential” absorbing capacity of a substance. A pH of “0” means a substance is as acidic (i.e. sulfuric acid) as it can get and will absorb no more hydrogen atoms. At a pH of 13, a substance can absorb lots of hydrogen ions (i.e. ammonia is alkaline). The digestive process requires hydrochloric acid in the stomach but needs an alkaline environment in the small intestines (around 7.0). When the food reaches the large intestines, the pH drops to around 6 and increases slightly to 6.5 in healthy individuals. (1)
Friendly acid producing bacteria help to move pH down in a slightly acidic direction. When the pH of the colon is alkaline (above 7.0), all kinds of unwanted pathogens from viruses to fungus to bacteria set up housekeeping and can cause havoc with your immune system by producing toxins and harmful chemicals that further burdens your immune cells. Not only that, these unwanted pathogens will produce more chemicals to keep a pH environment favorable to their survival. While the pH of the colon in normal healthy individuals is estimated to be around 6.8, in persons with HIV, CFIDS, MCS, candidiasis and hepatitis, the ideal pH to lower viral and fungal proliferation in the colon is below 6.0. The healing pH range is between 5.5 and 6.0. If it gets too acidic (below 4) or too alkaline, above 7.5, it can damage the colonic mucosa.
In Crohn’s disease, Colitis and some forms of colon cancer, the pH of the colon is too acidic and has been measured as low as 2.5. One researcher found that secondary bile contributed to this condition (not friendly flora). Bile production is increased when fat consumption is high. For persons with Crohn’s, Colitis or colon cancer, a fat free fat diet is immediately recommended until the pH of the feces is 5.5 or slightly higher, then, this should be followed with a low fat diet.
Research published in the journal of AIDS, PNAS and Nature’s Medicine (3) have found that up to 86% of all HIV virus in your body is in the intestines. The large intestines is a critical area. If the pH of the colon is higher than 6.0, HIV can still infect new CD4 cells and continue replicating, but when the pH is less than 6.0, cell-free HIV permanently loses its ability to infect new cells (4) The chance of viral resistance developing to an acidic colon is next to nil as the acids attack the viral membrane, not an area where viral mutations frequently occur. This leads to a new strategy to control HIV infection indefinitely - to lower the pH of the colon by natural means to a pH of 6.0 or less and stop HIV replication in an area where the highest concentrations have been found - the intestines. The implications of pH modification of the colon are profound - HIV viral load should drop dramatically and CD4’s increase steadily.
Besides daily enemas where you add garlic and vinegar to the water, the pH of the colon can be lowered by a diet high in fiber and eating certain foods like raw garlic, cabbage and artichokes that support the growth of friendly flora. Friendly intestinal flora produce lactic acid and one strain B. Longum has been found to produce acetic acid, the same kind of acid found in vinegar. Researchers have found that vinegar, like raw garlic, stops HIV replication. How you ever seen a bottle of vinegar spoil? Why, because no virus, fungus or bacteria can survive in it.
Bech K et al (2) found that in measuring the pH of the feces that “Significantly higher pH values ..... were found in patients with cancer than in normal individuals.” He wrote “These results support performance of intervention trials with lowering the pH of the colon with the object of cancer prophylaxis....”