Thanks for the info! This was a great help!
I have "forgiven" myself for the "cheat" since my Doc does not want me to focus on "guilt"...
I have been "clean" since I posted the other day.
I have not been as good on my
food sensitivities , I ate some Mussels today for dinner, before I remembered that I can not eat Oysters and Clams, and that Mussels are in the same family.
I never realize how screwed up my diet was!
One good thing, I guess, is that when I do eat any of the foods that I am sensitve, I notice the reactions that are in my body now. Before I was so overwhelmed, I never noticed, or I really did not pay attention...
Like, I never realized why the smell of banana peels churned my stomach, or why eating eggs would make me woosey, or that pineapples would make my throat itch!
I see now that my body has been trying to send me clues for a long time, but I am listening - now I just have to hear what it is saying, and take better care of it!
So, I have finished week "1"!
I prepared me a garlic & ginger enema mix before I read your notes about the coffee enema.
This is a retention enema, about 34 ouncees.
I focus on the coffee enema's tomorrow.
Maybe that garlic will help me with some of that candida in my colon - I am hopeful!