Oleander and chemotherapy
I would personally never recommend chemotherapy. In my opinion it is a barbaric treatment method that attempts to poison away the cancer at the expense of also poisoning away the patient and causing untold damage to the vital immune system which is the natural first line of defense against cancer and illness. In the race to kill the cancer before it kills the patient, chemo first damages the digestive system, where most of the immune system is located. Someday history will look back on the failed methods of attempting to cut out (surgery), burn out (radiation) and poison out (chemo) the symptoms of cancer (i.e., the tumors and cancer cell masses) instead of helping the body naturally eliminate the symptoms and the causes as the dark ages of mainstream medicine.
Suggested reading:
Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer
Hiding the Truth about Losing the War on Cancer
I do understand, however, that generations of brainwashing by an inflexible and vested industry with hundreds of billions in annual profits at stake has led far to many of us (and our influential family members and friends) placing blind faith in our doctors no matter what the truth is, and often chemotherapy will be employed no matter what I or others have to say. If such is the case, then I cannot stress highly enough how beneficial it will be to also use oleander extract along with the chemo.
Oleander helps protect and boost the immune system and it potentiates chemo as well, making the chemo treatments far more effective and safer. At last report from the makers of the patented medicine version of oleander, Anvirzel, oleander either completely eliminates or greatly lessens ALL known side effects of chemo, including hair loss. The sole exception I know of is that oleander does not eliminate hair loss when the chemo of choice is Cisplatin. Because of this, and the fact that two oleander medicines are currently in FDA trials, an increasing number of oncologists are choosing to use oleander as a CAM along with traditional chemo and radiation.
In addition to the patented medicine, which costs about $2700 for a three month supply (http://www.saludintegral.hn), two herbal supplements are available which contain essentially the same extract. One is the Sutherlandia OPC (http://www.sutherlandiaopc.com) I have posted and written about and another is the recently formulated Cansema Tonic III (http://www.altcancer.com/ct3.htm) from the original Alpha Omega Labs which has just become available to be shipped to the US from Ecuador.
Besides oleander, an anti-cancer diet such as the one recommended in the Budwig protocol would be a wonderful idea, and Essiac tea is also very good in minimizing damaging chemo side effect. Best of all would be a comprehensive anti-cancer protocol which includes oleander and other cancer fighters along with a healthy diet and lifestyle would be the best idea of all, such as the one I suggest:
And a final consideration is the liver, which is essentially the body's oil filter that removes toxins and eliminates them from the body. As the great cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed, cancer only occurs in the first place in the presence of an impaired liver. And any succesful treatment for cancer will result in a great burden being placed on an already impaired liver, sometimes resulting in liver failure. To guard against this, steps should be taken to cleanse the liver and keep it cleansed, keep the bile ducts open and flowing properly, protect the liver and even help re-generate it.
My suggestions for addressing the liver:
- A complete liver cleanse and periodic cleanses thereafter every few weeks
- Coffee enemas to open the bile ducts
- Coconut oil to help keep the bile ducts open and flowing
- Turmeric regulates bile flow and is also a cancer fighter
- Beetroot juice is also a very healthy item that helps with bile flow and liver health
- Milk thistle to help protect and regenerate the liver to full health
- Alpha lipoic acid and selenium for liver health and regeneration
As a final note, I might add that the home remedy version of oleander was first used to successfully beat lung cancer that had metasticized to the liver and my own 85 year old uncle used the patented medicine version, along with a protocol similar to the one suggested above, to beat lung cancer that had metasticized after radiation failed and he refused chemo.
I wish your dear mother the very best success and many more years of good health and happy memories to share with you and the rest of her family and friends.