Re: What it means to be a Muslim
Yeah Redplanet that idea is not supported at all in the Quran and I don't know where you got it from. I am constantly surprised by some of the ideas people have about Islam. If they would take the time to read the Quran they would realize it is the same message as the Bible and the Torah and from the same one God. Consider this sura/chapter:
In the name of God, the beneficent, the merciful
[ 109:1] Say : O ye that reject Faith!
[ 109:2] I worship not that which ye worship,
[ 109:3] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
[ 109:4] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
[ 109:5] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
[ 109:6] To you be your Way, and to me mine.