17 y
Life After Incurables Program?
Hey there Earthlings,
I've asked myself this question several times while writing these articles and preparing for my Incurables Party start date: "Is there life after the IP?" The answer is a resounding "Yes, but...." lol
I'm about halfway through the Save Your Life manual, and I must say, EVERYONE serious about natural healing should own a copy. I am reading testimony after testimony of healing stories using the IP. This is SUCH a positive book. It makes SUCH a believer out of you- at least to the point where you know you have to at least SEE if what
Dr. Schulze says is true. You become compelled to try it.
As I'm reading about various cancers being healed, AIDS being healed, osteoarthritis being healed, I see a common thread in that the patients who saw a real healing committed to doing the IP for as long as it took to get well, and then they stayed "clean" after that.
Dr. Schulze said many of his patients did the program for a while (ahem!) but over time, went back to their old ways, and their disease returned.
Dr. Schulze , in the manual, stresses over and over again that you have to make a complete lifestyle change from what you are currently doing. "Stop what you're doing," doesn't just mean stop eating meat and drinking Dr. Peppers. It means to COMPLETELY stop everything in your life that isn't healthy. Then "start doing what makes you well." This can be a life overhaul. The one thing I wish Dr. Schulze would stress more than he does, is that you have to STAY on the IP after symptoms are gone, and then NEVER go back to your old, unhealthy habits.
You're about to have a complete change in identity. In fact, Dr. Schulze says you can change your name if you want to. What does being well look like to you? Because you WILL get well. There are no incurable diseases. None.
This is going to be so awesome.
Big hurricane hugs,