I developed a hemorrhoid for the first time in my life(48 years old), after it dissolved with help of some herbs, I got this uncomfortable itch near the top of my 2 buttocks muscles(not really an "anal" itch but higher), that now 40 more days later , is starting to drive me nuts, it comes and goes throughout the day and even though I very seldom itch it, the area is raw and bleeds at times. I used to have another crazy itch at the bottom of my right foot before my first Humaworm and it went away(I thought maybe Candida) and now this goofy itch in a different area. I was thinking I maybe displaced some critters and they have taken up new residence. I want to do an X-tra Strength round now...I have also recently started to wake up with red eyes and spitting up alot of mucous just after waking up..also achy/painy again. Anyone have any similar situations or opinions..please.