Thanks. Also, I tried zapping last night. I know I am a sensitive person & I had read somewhere that you could start with like 1 minute, followed by break, etc but I went ahead & did the whole cycle as recommended but I kept it on the lowest setting & frequency. I don't think I should increase right away. I could feel the tingling in the hand with the green paddle. I don't want to overdo it. I turned it up ever so slightly. If anyone here has felt this but was able to up the frequency, pls let me know. I want it to work but I am just so new to it. Mabey after time, I will be able to do that also.
I do take Iodine but it sounds like there is way more to it than what I am doing.
I will check it out.
I also did coffee enema this morning & got chiro adjustment today.
I wonder if parasites can cause insomnia? Or mabey it is just worrying.