17 y
Re: I can use a friend right now.
Hi #102899, I can honestly say I know how you feel, luckily I may be able to help you, so what is it that you smell like? do you know if you have candida? If you don't know you should do the candida spit test, this is what to do, tomorrow when you wake up, spit into a glass of water before eating or drinking anything. if your spit grows spiney like legs on the under side of it or if it spreads out on the top of the water then you most likely have candida, now you might just have candida and it mightent have anything to do with your
Body Odor , but usually it has everything to do with it, I have candida and my
Body Odor ranges from fecal to musty all the way to garbage and rotten meat, if your like me, its not hard to get rid of it, id say give me about 3 months more time and i will be free of this. so get back to me and i can tell you how iv almost beaten this monster.