The best protocol in my opinion
Essaic, Gerson and even Budwig (all of whom/which I like) have had their heydays and are not nearly as effective in today's world of added toxins, depleted soils and processed foods. That is just a fact, no matter how many supporters they may have or how many successes they had in the past - and if you ask the highly respected owner of the CancerTutor site, Webster Kehr, he will tell you he agrees. Essaic is a wonderful overall cleanser and a good complimentary thing to take when battling cancer. Pau de Arco is a good immune booster and supportive herb to take. By themselves they are very weak as a cancer fighting combination. Vitamin C and Potassium are good too - though vitamin C is far more powerful as an intravenous treatment than an oral one.
It is kind of hard to argue against a cancer protocol that has as it's centerpiece a supplement that has had over 90% success against cancer - and that definitely includes liver and colon cancers - and then goes on to add several more important elements:
You will note on the CancerTutor site that oleander is rated in the very highest category and you will also find it highly rated in other sites such as The Minnesota Wellness Directory.
My own 85 year old uncle used oleander to beat cancer after traditional medicine failed and the cancer spread. Likewise, the first person treated with oleander extract that can be made at home and (which is the same extract in the Sutherlandia OPC supplement that also includes The South Africa Cancer Bush and has a success rate of over 90%) had lung cancer which had spread to her liver.
Make sure that you take extra measures to cleanse, protect and regenerate the liver. As the great pioneer Max Gerson found, cancer only occurs in the presence of an impaired liver to begin with - and if you have cancer in the liver itself it makes it makes it imperative to take such measures because of the load of toxins that will be released when the cancer cells begin dying from a successful cancer fighting protocol. Such measures should include:
- Liver cleanses
- Coffee enemas
- Milk Thistle
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Selenium
- Turmeric
- Coconut Oil
- Beetroot Juice
As a final note: combining elements of the Gerson and Budwig Protocol are excellent additions to the protocol I recommend (and you will see that Budwig is specifically mentioned as is a diet of mostly raw vegetables and some fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.). Essaic would be a good addition too.
Best of wishes for your wife's victory and good health,