Re: Cracked teeth sharp pain only when eating on the side of cusp.... Should I extract it?
"My concern is, is it harmful to keep a cracked teeth in your mouth?"
Well, if it's causing you pain then I would assume so. It doesn't sound like you just chipped a piece off or anything. Is the cavity pulp showing? Either way, something is hitting a nerve to make it that sensitive.
" Am I exposing myself to infection because of the crack? "
Wait, you did this in Feb? If you were at risk for infections, you would've gotten at least one by now.
"And I am afraid that if I forget to avoid chewing on that side I may end up having a broken tooth and/or more complications in future?"
That's probably when you'll get the infection then. I have a wisdom tooth that never grew in all the way and a chunk broke off on top. When I eat something hard on that side of my mouth, it swells up, hurts when I swallow, throbs and effects the whole area.
" I cannot go on avoiding chewing on that side for ever…
Should I have this premolar extracted?"
Yes. I'll be getting my problem tooth extracted's a pain in the ass to avoid using it. Actually the only reason I Haven't is because the only doctor who takes my insurance wants to remove ALL my wisdom teeth and it's only that one that's ever been a problem. Of course he wants to remove all of them so he can milk the insurance company and get more money.
As for medication after any type of oral surgery - Yep, you guessed it. Pain killers and
Antibiotics . But of course you don't have to take them just because you're prescribed. There are plenty of natural ways of preventing infection and probably pain too. Colloidial Silver as you're already familiar with, oil pulling to keep it clean and pull germs away from it.. Pau'darco (sp?) is a natural antibiotice, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar is also supposed to be a natural
Antibiotic and detox..just add it to water or apple juice and drink.
If you do get it extracted, also look into what they use for anestesia. Some dentists will knock you out compleltley and others use the stuff so you're in and out of it and not fully asleep..You still won't feel anything and you snap out of it faster.