Dr. Kelley, clearly a century ahead of the nutritional and allopathic industry, will certainly go down in history as a man definitely on a mission. I too am on a mission, since that first day in Dallas, Texas, in 1985. Having liver cancer, diabetes and polycythemia, I was both anxious and yet skeptical of this dynamic program. How someone can get on line....and baa humbug this therapy....without a clue, in regard to personal experience, is exactly the problem with this nation and so many of the....uninformed. I went to three universities and was about to attend medical school when I discovered this therapy. The rest is......history.
It is easy to be skeptical ....of anything, as long as we keep tunnel vision and live in our own little isolated world. But inquiring minds....eventually will discover the truth, no matter how often they foolishy stumble....right over it. Read my book, Metabolic Mission and try to open your mind....if only for a brief moment...to let some light in. http://www.themetabolicinstitute.com