Re: How is Lucky?
I do mean 1 ml - unfortunately the tumors are so hard I can't inject more at a time. It comes to about 9 ml per day which is not a lot, I know... Additionally I need to get larger syringes and that in itself is more than difficult in New York, as you need a prespription from a vet.
My vet has been pretty supportive - he is amazed at the progress Lucky is making. He gives her once a week the Acemannan Immunostimlant which I can't get without a prescription either. I think it is the combination of all things which is helping Lucky heal. She definitely was in a healing crisis last week.
I additionally have been working with an animal communicator - I know it sounds odd, but she's helped me incredibly. All of the things she has been telling me about Lucky are spot on (I've had three appointments with her over the last seven or eight weeks). She told me that Lucky has stabilised now and the cancer is no longer growing - in some spots it has begun shrinking.
At first I thought she might be a quack - but during my very first appointment with her she said to me that I needed to stop feeding Lucky that awful green stuff (two days earlier I had tried to swap her over to 100% raw, including collard greens/zucchini put through the food processor) and that I needed to go back to what I was feeding her before. That convinced me. The lady could not, under any circumstances, have known what I feed Lucky as I hadn't mentioned anything to her. Other things were that she told me Lucky was looking a lot worse than she was feeling and I would see a huge difference soon. Two days later Lucky was her old self, no longer limping and full of energy.
So I am pretty convinced that she is for real. It helps me center myself again.
It's been a really, really rough time. Everyone keeps telling me 'what are you stressing about, she looks wonderful, she acts her normal self'. But as you say it is our 'superior mind' that causes us to worry.
Thank you for the healing energy and everything else... :-)