after the birth of my daughter 4 years ago, my gyno told me I had PCOS. I didn't really believe it so I started researching my symptoms. Turns out I have adrenal fatigue, which caused me to be toxic and caused my thyroid to stop producing as much hormone, which brought on the symptoms that mimic PCOS.
I didn't have enough money to pay for all the doctor bills and prescriiptions, so I started cleansing regularly. I started off with a 21 day master cleanse, followed by a few other shorter ones over the past year. I have lost 70 lbs and am feeling better all the time. I live near mountains so I spend a lot of time hiking. The more I hike and the healthier I eat, the better I feel.
I still haven't gotten on any medication for the adrenal or thyroid, which I can tell I need, but I still feel better than I did even last year.
Check out the website
for resources on what bloodtests to get (you may have to spend that money out of pocket). There are also a lot of other great websites you will be referred to thru that one.