If after all this, you go and vote for Obama...
You deserve everything you get in this life. All the higher taxes, all the terroristic challenges that will be brought upon this nation, all the spending, all the wasteful Affirmative Action programs, black restitiution, nepotism, cronyism, re-distribution of wealth to the lazy, all the freaky abnormal folks coming out of the woodwork. I just can't see America voting for Obama, but if you for some reason, can't vote for people that are the backbone of this country...well, I have no sympathy for what comes next. Really don't. I'll sit back and watch as four years of Obama destroy the fabric of America. If that's what it takes to teach a lesson. And in four years, maybe another Sarah Palin will surface from the wreckage. Maybe not. She's not a career politician type. They don't make 'em like her so don't count on a Palin in 2012, especially if she is seen as the scapegoat for a loss this year. You better just take what you can get, Republicans, and stack those chips high...and push them all in on the McCain/Palin ticket...I'm all in! Let's see the "River Card"!