Re: UT plus Urinary Frequency ???
I'm female, 60+. Sorry I didn't make that clear.
Your husband's experience seems to indicate that UT is good for frequency, too. That's heartening.
I've read elsewhere that a person should avoid foods, etc., that trigger allergic reactions, at least for a while. For me that's the nightshade group: white potatoes; sweet peppers; eggplant; tomatoes; and tobacco. Tobacco, of course, is the trigger in my case. And it's loaded with excitotoxins, I'm sure.
I've wondered if the large abdomen pulls on internal organs when I lie on my side, as I do. I've spent a number of years correcting my posture, and have to remind myself yet.
Perhaps it's simply a circle of cause and effect, but I have a hard time finding the place to begin unraveling it.
UT sounds like the way, but should I jump into a fast at the same time as dropping all my bad habits? Or, would it be better to drop the habits for better ones, while doing the homeopathic version?
To tell the truth, just writing the first post (above) was a real help. I began to see that it may be simpler than I thought. Just keep getting to bed on time, and drop the smoking/foods, etc., continue with the urine drops, and see what happens. Then, if I need to, get deeper into UT.
Thanks, Invincible and 26194, for replying. If you have other suggestions I'd appreciate hearing them.