day 6 - appendicitis
so after all the support and love i got after my last message and the confirmation that my posts ARE being read, and appreciated, here comes the update on my journey:
the best and most important news: i did my first successful enema! and boy what a feeling!!! i feel like a million bucks!!! i know a lot of
Water Fast gurus say enemas are too enervating to the system, but i think they are important in appendicitis cases. just like dr. tilden prescribes. not only did i get some substantial crap out (some lose flakes and a lot of muddy brown water) but the slight pain that i could feel at the mcburney's point
when i was slightly touching it (never press down too hard or let any other person physician or not do it!!! they might rupture it!!! that's what the doc says anyway) is gone!!! before, i could precisely say where the inflamed appendix started just by touching it. now i can't!!! no pain!! so i guess the enema removed some of the feces that obstructed the colon and caused pressure - hence pain!!! not only that, but i feel less weak. i actually feel fit to go down the 5 flights which separate me from my 8 netflix movies which wait for me in the mail box!!! oh yeah you read it correctly - i got the 8-dvd-plan. i am prepared!!! another 30 days on water? no problem! i got netflix!!! ha ha!!!
here some more links, to MY guru, dr. tilden:
(check out the second paragraph from the bottom about rupturing an appendix through manual manipulation)