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How can we help people accept protocols more easily?
fledgling Views: 3,872
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How can we help people accept protocols more easily?


Your timing is superb!

I was feeling a bit low, with things on my mind.

You cheered me wonderfully.

Thank you.


Other than getting ones mind around a protocol, which we all must do to understand if it is for us...I see three barriers anyone may have to Liver Flushing...

...The first is just plain reading, as in reading a recipe while you are baking a cake. I really like it when I can read it half-way across the kitchen, without my reading glasses. So, if you'll forgive me, I copied your protocol into a document, and went to work on it with Bold, Underline, and listing...lots of white space, too, and large print for the times and Jars 1 and 2.

...The second barrier I see is what else is going on in the potential flusher's body and life...particularly, other health concerns. Certainly, we don't want to mess up.

...Thirdly, is discomfort. Foremost, "Is it going to hurt?"

...Quickly followed by, "Will I make it to the toilet on time?"

...And even, "Am I going to look silly, or will I maintain my dignity around others?"

We sometimes don't want anyone to know that we are 'cleansing'...for many reasons. It is so much easier to eat what everyone at the table does, anyway.

(It just crossed my mind that a person could rent a hotel/motel room for a couple of days, and take a couple of good books...hee, hee. Can't you just SEE it..."LIVER FLUSHERS' BOARDING HOUSE"...Maximum stay three days and nights. Half price if you leave within 36 hours! Stand-by list available. No meal substitutions or pizza deliveries! Private bathrooms.)

I must be feeling better.



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