Re: Update on my success with urine therapy.
I absolutely agree that it is toxic build up in the body that causes the odor. The digestive system and all the organs are over-taxed and cannot do their job, so the body releases the toxins any way they can--via the pores.
If you have noticed in my BLOG, I have gone on a strict vegan raw diet, did around 50 colonics, 21 liver flushes, on the salt water diet(almost my body weight in
ounces of water plus Quinton Ocean Plasma--ocean water). My
Body Odor still persisted until I started urine therapy. I know for a fact that the other things I've done helped cleanse my body and made it easy for urine therapy to finish the cleansing. I wouldn't recommend anyone to just rely on urine therapy and not the other ways of cleansing. Yet I have to say that it was urine therapy that improved my odor so much.
It is showing through in my skin as well and the sour taste in my mouth has improved.
When I started out with urine therapy, I would actually get a sweet taste in my mouth after a couple hours if I didn't eat or drink anything. Is that weird? But as soon as I started drinking water again, I would get a strong sour taste in my mouth--no matter how much water I drank. The more I swished it around in my mouth, the more sour the water was. Today I didn't get that. I am hoping it will continue.
I hope the improvements keep happening and aren't like a lot of other remedies that help for a while and then have no affect within a few weeks.
*KeePinG My FinGers CroSSeD*