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Re: When can I plant my fig trees?
lutzprincess Views: 1,928
Published: 17 y
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Re: When can I plant my fig trees?

Figs like to be near concrete for the moisture so plant at a 30 to 45 degree angle from side of garage or other out building. They do better not planted perpendicular to the ground. Dig a big whole and drop in a bushel of cow manure, then some good top soil and water in as you put fig tree in and surround with soil. I always plant with a pipe in the root areas so I can add fertilizer tea straight to the roots. You might want to go to Brix group at yahoo as his group has some great planting tips for trees and organic gardening. Remember to trim at the off seaon as blooms are on the new growth and once you are going you will need to save those alulumin pie tins to hang in the trees or the birds will eat all your figs. Big black hoses wrapped around branches also help, as they think they are snakes. They like chicken fertilizer but it has to be in a weak tea formular as it will burn put on straight. By the way you can use the trimmings for rooting a new tree, just stick small limbs on the slanted degree( not perpendicular) and keep moist but not soggy till it roots.

My Uncle used to root rose bushes, very carefully triming the end as a long slice, not a straight cut, then dipping in a rootone solution, and making a whole in the soil in his pot with a screwdriver so as to leave all the rootone solution on the bottom cut. He had stripped all the leaves off the branch so he kept the water in a mist until the first new leaf or two appeared, then at the first bloom his cutting was ready to give away or plant. Some of his cutting plants did as well as or better than the ones we bought with the great root stock grafts. He had me buying a dozen roses in all colors at the market and we enjoyed the blooms on the table, My Aunt saved the petals and my Uncle took the stems out and rooted for plants. So for $5.99 at the produce stand, We had fresh roses and a dozen plants.


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