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Re: The best raw diet?
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Re: The best raw diet?

To me, the best raw diet is the Primal Diet made by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
Imo, he is the most knowledgable healer I've seen when it comes to nutrition. Primal diet is not a paleo diet, it actually includes vegetable juices, a little fruit, and is very similar to the diet you are thinking of trying. It also includes lots of raw fats.

A close second is the diet proposed by Dr Bass. His work with mice experiments is fascinating. He found that a complete protein (like eggs) was the most important factor in the health of mice (and men).
This entire website is a wealth of information and I recommend paying for and downloading his PDFs as well.

Different diets work for different people at different times. If you have a good baseline diet, you can use specific foods to get well from specific ailments, so it's hard to put anyone in a catch all "one diet", because different people react differently to different food. It's the concepts that are important.

Personally, I don't think a diet that removes all vegetables is a very good idea. I say this not only from reading 2 years of different diets but also from personal experience myself running into a mineral defeciency following a diet that had no leafy greens in it. There are many vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are almost exclusively drawn from vegetables. There are some healing strategies that almost exclusively use vegetables as a healing source (Gerson), and they work (for a time at least). HOWEVER, he is correct when he says that humans have trouble digesting vegetables, we only digest about 60% of vegetable matter we could, because we are not herbivores! Also, it slows and impairs the digestion of meats and proteins. This is why you should JUICE vegetables. Aajonus elaborates a lot more on this in his book, "We Want to Live" and his followup book, "The Recipe for Living without Disease", which are both brilliant.

Grains and beans you can do without, HOWEVER, some people need STARCH to detox. So some people need starch 1-2 times a week. Which starch and how you get it are up to you, Aajonus has a great recipe called "The Nut Formula" in his books that accommodate this.

>>The main foods are fish, egg yolk, fruit, and fats (olive oil, nuts).

As long as they are raw it's good. Cooked version of these foods might as well be a different food category, can be detox in the long term, and instead of being beneficial will destroy your health.

>>People keep telling me that I need to find out what's best for me, but how do I
>>go about doing that?

Experimentation and trying something for at least 3-4 weeks. Finding a guru and trying it for 3-4 weeks. READING and making up your own mind. Following in the foot steps of people who have already beaten whatever disease you are trying to recover from.

>>Where do I get started? Should I take some type of test (metabolic typing, etc)?

Good question, and it would entirely depend on what you are trying to recover from. For the BASICS, I would highly recommend reading Dr Sutters book "It's not Illegal to Be Healthy". It's a good book on the basics for recovering from any disease.

He also has forums here.


>>Is there any detriment of a raw diet?

Depends on which raw diet. Raw by itself there is no detriment. If there is a deficiency in a diet, it sometimes takes 3-10 years before you'll run out of reserves in the body and you'll see a problem.

There are many raw diets, I think you will find most are vegan. I was also vegan for almost a year but it's not the way imo. If you want to know more, just read below.

I would read and follow the teachings of Aajonus Vonderplanitz and maybe do a fruitarian diet for 3 months before that. BUT, the details will highly depend on your own body and you will have to self experiment, there is no way around this.

Anyway, good luck on your journey.



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