Mainstream medicine has no lack of lies to spread
The biggest threat colloidal silver poses is to the billions of dollars of profits for the more expensive, less effective and side-effect laden antibiotics of mainstream medicine.
See my article"Colloidal Silver has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues"
If colloidal silver is so dangerous, ask your friend to find you one single incidence of physical harm caused by properly made and administered colloidal silver?
The famous "Blue Man", aka "Papa Smurff" Paul Karason, is the new poster boy for mainstream medicine's attack on colloidal silver. Holy Jerry Springer - is that guy a nutcase or what? First of all, he makes his own inferior ionic silver at home, then contaminates it with salt and drinks over a quart a day. Then he claims he never noticed? And goes on to claim that he is very shy whilst being flown around, put up in luxury accomadations and paid appearance fees from one television program to the next!
Though Karason swears by collidal silver and lists conditions he says it remedied and says he owes his life to it, the interviewers skip right by that and just say "but you are BLUE - OO - OO - OO - OOO!" And they often have medical advisors or so-called doctors on the program to advise how dangerous colloidal silver is and tell Karason that he has to be harming himself.
Odd how virtually none of them refer to the fact that back in January after Karason appeared on the Today Show, he was urged to take a physical and so he did and was given a clean bill of health.
And believe me - the misinformation is working. I just returned from a convention where I was at the Utopia Silver booth. Everyone who came by practically said "No, that stuff makes you turn blue - I saw it on television!" It made me realize just how isolated we can be when we are caught up in alternative health forums most of the day - and we even have continued debates about the bogus blue skin scare here at CureZone.
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people have taken colloidal or ionic silver all over the United States. Where are all the Smurff tribes?
Not sure exactly how that relates to vaccines, except it shows how mainstream medicine is able to use their control of the media to push their misinformation and scare tactics, whether it be vaccinations, colloidal silver, the myth of high cholesterol and statins, Fosamax, Vioxx or whatever.