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Re: Dental/gum infections
fledgling Views: 1,653
Published: 17 y
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Re: Dental/gum infections

I've made dentists squirm in recent years, Jessesmom. I keep asking the hard questions.

One fellow told me there ISN'T any better 'filling' than real teeth, themselves...and that dentists are between a rock and a hard place.

Another thing I've learned is that 'silver' fillings create caves, great big empty holes under or beside a filling...after decades. Then the filling falls out and/or the tooth breaks in half or wide open.

That's what is happening to me in two teeth. I keep a clove or two in my mouth if either aches. Eventually it stops...but then you have to keep food particles emptied out.

I went to buy one of those little pointy soft rubber things for cleaning around (and in) the luck. It seems they don't make them anymore.

I had to settle for trying what I thought was a little bristle brush. Wrong! It was a tiny BOTTLE BRUSH!!! ...Twisted wires with very, very short bristles in between...and actually sharp metal on the pointy end!

Okay, I thought, I suppose I can use it as a pick to get out the food particles. By this time the hole in one tooth reached entirely through, outside to inside.

However, whatever metal that little bottle brush pick was made of tasted strong, and began to enlarge the hole at an alarming rate. I could almost feel it grow daily!

I will never use another product like that, again, nor anything from that producer.

Now I use the stem from an apple.


I highly recommend it.

You ever find an old dentist?

I don't think there ARE any. I think they get out when they wise up...maybe when things start happening to THEM. My opinion.

Some dentists need such a smack! Also my opinion.

I'm thinking about regrowing teeth...a lot.


Oil-pulling may help clean. Some seem to think that organic, cold-pressed, sesame oil is best.

And we have four grandbabies to keep from these woes.

And, what are we supposed to do with fillings that fall out? Take them to a hazardous waste at a time?



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